Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Very proud to win a contest!

They say success comes after repeatedly failures! Well I'm proud to say that after a couple of art competitions that I flunked out this year I won the The Daily Qwetch contest, ending on the 5th place and winning most deserved Canson Supplies and other goodies. Cannot wait to open the mail and treat myself with another Christmas present. Life is good!


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Card Illustration

My Christmas Card Illustration was published in the Art Council of Surrey Magazine SPOTLIGHT, the December issue. The artwork was included  in the Christmas Card Exhibition held at  Newton Cultural Centre. You can still admire the submissions until December 20th.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Buffet-Illustration Competition

The Italian Organization Tapirulan is proposing an Illustration Competition with the theme Buffet. I was very excited to participate with my digital piece All you can eat-Buffet. The winners will be announced in the middle of Nov, which gives people a lots of time to look at the submissions and comment it. I would appreciate any comments for my illustration ! Thank you!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Character Design

One of my favourite animated films, Happy Feet had unconsciously inspired me  to create this character! Still have to add texture.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Season of Flowers

Every day I go to work to South Surrey I get to see these beautiful irises at a corner of a street, now about to lose their fragile petals and life because of the heavy rain drops. It was a great inspiration for me to make the piece below, as a wedding present for a friend. The Bird of Paradise flower is just mesmerizing to look at!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Guardian of the Dragon

Finally, I can reveal my Terracotta Warrior Public Art Project, organised by BC Lions Society/ Easter Seals that will be displayed on  6300 No 3 Rd in Richmond until September 2012. The Media Launch and Unveiling was held at the Chinese Cultural Centre in Vancouver, on April 24th. More photos on my Facebook profile and information about the project here.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Flowers for a good cause

Recent works on 8"x10" cardboard, with paper collage  and watercolours for a fundraiser hosted by Surrey Hospice Society in June 2012.  My works will be auctioned to raise money to help others. More information here.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wood Ducks

There are so many things I did with paper, but never tried a realistic collage. Will definitely cheer up my wall!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Character Design

Characters from my sketchbook.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Terracotta Warrior!

I just finished painting one of the fibreglass sculptures for BC Lions Society, for their Terracotta Warriors Project. I am very proud of the result and cannot wait to be displayed on the streets. Promise to post pictures as soon the projects are exhibited. This is a little preview...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Among Words!

This is a cover design that I made for an Anthology of Children Literature, published in Romania. It's called "Among Words" and includes fiction and poetry written by children between grade 2 and 8. I had a lot of fun with this project.

Monday, January 23, 2012

My new business card!

I decided to make a new design for my personal business card. I used 90 LB white paper for the printer and made a logo stamp out of eraser rubber. The great thing about this project is that they all look different, according to the pigment stamp pad I used for the logo. It took me a couple of minutes to cut the round edges, but I'm very happy about my handmade card.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Playing in Illustrator

An attempt to vectorize a pencil sketch! I used the pen tool and a lot of gradient shapes. Still need to ad texture, coming soon...